21st Sep 2009
Careers Centre > Interview Techniques

How to prepare for a job interview

Many job applicants make the classic mistake of thinking that a good CV is all that's needed to win a job offer in an interview. They arrive at the interview unprepared aiming to simply talk through their CV and then walk away with the job offer.

What they are forgetting is that every candidate called to interview will have an equally impressive CV.

They key to success in any interview is your ability to sell yourself; to communicate your skills and to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for that role. Not so easy to do without preparation unless you have had many recent interviews.

Why Preparation is Vital

Preparation for a job interview is vital and is the first step towards success. With adequate preparation you will know exactly what the employer is looking for, you will have a good idea of the questions they will ask and you will have effective answers ready on the tip of your tongue.

Interviews can be nerve wracking for many people however by preparing in advance, the interview you can complete the interview in a relaxed, positive and confident manner. It will be familiar to you and you will be ready for any question they can throw at you.

Here are five key areas to consider when preparing:

Conduct Research into the Employer

Arm yourself with knowledge about the employer and what they do. This is essential, not only because you may be asked a question about the company or what it does but also you need to be confident that the employer is right for you. You may end up spending many years in the job and advance research will tell you if this is the right job for you or not.

Visit their website, read their publications and ask around about them. The more information you can make use of about the company the more impressed your potential employer will be. Researching the company highlights to your potential employer that you are interested in the position and you are willing to learn and play an active role in the future success of the company.

This also demonstrates that you have the initiative to find out such information; a valuable skill regardless of the industry you are applying for a job in.

Know the Location of The Interview

A mistake sure to put you at the bottom of the list is to arrive late for your interview. Giving the excuse that your train was delayed or you were stuck in traffic or even that you got lost will just not work. There really is no excuse and to avoid this happing, find out where the interview is taking place and make sure you know how to get there.

One of the best ways of achieving this, especially if you aren't aware of the area, is to have a practice trip. Not only does this ensure you know where you are going but it also means you can time how long it takes to get there so you know what time to set out.

Prepare and Practice Your Answers

The Job Description and Person Specification will give you an idea of what they will ask and it is essential that your practice answering. The interview is a communication exercise and the ability to give smooth, concise answers is vital to your success.

Prepare answers to a whole range of questions then practice them to ensure that you know exactly what you want to say and so that you say it with confidence. It may even help if you get someone to ask you the questions to get a better feel for the interview process. Ensure that every answer is used as a sales tool; after all you are selling yourself at all times during the interview.

Have Your Documentation Ready

You may be asked to take certain documents with you to your interview. These documents could include your CV, examples of work done previous, training and qualifications, passport or visa documents. It is a good idea to prepare all of these the night before to ensure that they are presented in a folder that your potential employer can easily look through.

Personal Presentation

Your appearance is the first impression a potential employer is going to gain of you so you need to ensure that this impression is a good one. Make sure that you are dressed smart, your hair is styled and you don't have too much jewellery on. All of these are essential to ensuring you give off the right impression.

How To Make Your Preparation Easy

As you can see preparing adequately is vital. The good news is that your preparation is already done for you by InterviewGold.

This is the UK's leading online interview system which is helping thousands of job seekers such as yourself prepare for and win job offers in interviews.

It has been featured in The Guardian and Mirror national newspapers, Personnel Today, and on National Television (the BBC) and is being promoted by Reed Recruitment and the Telegraph Jobs so you know it's good.

Learn how to succeed in your next interview and land the job you want.

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