16th Sep 2009
Careers Centre > Secretarial Courses

Essential tips to help you manage your time

If you need more than a few tips why not attend our practical and insightful ‘Time Management for Office Professionals' course and learn how to capture ‘lost hours'. Click here to find out more. (link to course details)

Learn to say no! If you're asked to do something that isn't your responsibility - say no! Explain that you would like to help but you're maxed out with your current workload. Also, don't let your boss or other colleagues force you into agreeing unrealistic deadlines. Say no upfront, explain why and agree a realistic timescale. Then you won't end up missing deadlines and doing a poor job because you're rushed.

Don't get interrupted: Interruptions are inevitable when you're at work. However, there are several ways you can reduce them. If you find yourself being asked the same question again and again - write a FAQ guide and hand it out to people when they ask you. Try to anticipate questions before they are asked and make sure you have the information to hand.

Write a list: Lists are a widely used method to planning time. The real trick is making sure you keep it up to date! The best thing to do is write the list last thing before you go home, so you'll always start your working day efficiently. Keep your list in sight so you keep on track with your daily objectives.

More haste, less speed: Yes, it's an old saying, but still highly relevant! It is so easy to rush through jobs when you're under pressure. But don't rush too much - if your struggling to find time for the task in the first place - how will you find the time to do it again?!

Boss management: OK, so they are your manager, but that doesn't mean you can't manage them a little too! Prevent ad hoc interruptions and schedule a daily meeting so you can update them on what you're doing and ask them in advance what they will be expecting from you. If you have a holistic view of your schedule you can work more efficiently by grouping similar tasks.

Optimise your prime time: Everyone is different - some people work better in the morning, others in the afternoon. Plan your time so that when you are working at your best you complete challenging and trickier jobs, and when youre experiencing ‘down time' you can switch to simpler tasks. This way you'll get the most from your working day.

Don't let people steal your time: Educate people in your office to not approach you when you're in the middle of a task. We all know that once you stop - it takes time to get back into what you were working on. Place indicators on your desk that visually show people when your busy and don't want to be interrupted. When this item is removed people will know you have an ‘open door'.

Get on with it! We all have tasks we put off and put off. This may be because we find it boring, tricky or just don't enjoy it. Just do it! Schedule the task for your ‘prime time' and don't let yourself work on anything else until it is done. Imagine how pleased you will be when the task is complete. By getting it out the way, you'll feel more motivated for the rest of the day. Compare this feeling to the one you'll have if you don't do it.

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